Gypsy, stack
Gypsy, stack
100% of profits go to supporting women and girls in need.
Your Dharma bangle changes her life forever and has an infinite ripple effect.
Every Gypsy stack provides a 1 year education scholarship for a girl in rural India.
A connection to the wild spirit and freedom that resides within You. Our bangles are designed to stack and collaborate with one another, just as they are traditionally worn by the “original gypsies” of North India where our school is established. This is how we amplify our intentions, depending on the set you choose (Surya, Soma or Roza) as you represent the power of the collective on your wrist.
Therapeutic Wear
Please read through the descriptions of each precious metal below, before making your selection. The harmonic jingle-jangle of the bangles in concert is clearing and balancing for your energetic felid and is said to strengthen connection to your divine nature.
Currently not available in Copper
Surya / Gold
The Intention
Surya is the sanskrit name for the spiritual Sun, the power that sustains and nourishes all of Life on our planet. Surya is here to reflect your personal power, your innate light and the clarity, courage and confidence that shines through You.
Therapeutic Wear
Made with therapeutic-grade gold and brass, both of which are known in Ayurveda to benefit the wearer. Especially balancing for Vata Dosha, the warming gold tones have a grounding effect and replenishes muscles and bones. Gold and brass are both honoured for enhancing tajas and ojas, the essence of vitality that supports you in being more effective and fully present in daily life.
Soma / Silver
The Intention
Soma is the nurturing and benevolent light that pours down upon the earth from the Moon. The lunar light is a rejuvenating elixir from the cosmos, a reflection of your personal connection to the cycles of nature and the intoxicating soma that is your divine feminine expression.
Therapeutic Wear
Soma is made with the highest quality Balinese silver. Especially balancing for Pitta Dosha, the cooling silver has a calming effect and is widely known for it’s antimicrobial properties. Silver is used in Ayurveda to reduce inflammation that manifests in skin irritation and within the vital organs like the liver. Wearing silver also supports you in circulating physical and mental energy, dissolving excess heat in the form of anger and judgment of self and others.
Roza / Copper
The Intention
Roza is hand-crafted in copper to connect and conduct your energy. To remind you of the infinite resource of love and compassion that resides within your own heart. Inspired by the famous Rajasthan roses that exude passion, generosity and sweetness
Therapeutic Wear
Cooper has been used in Ayurveda for thousands of years for it’s countless healing applications. It is especially balancing for Kalpha Dosha and supports the health of fluids in the body. In this way, cooper promotes immune function, improves hormonal balance, production of collagen, helps turn sugar into energy and improves the uptake of iron - among many other benefits.
Custom Combo
Due to popular request, we have added a customised style option. Just email us the specific combo you want for your gypsy stack after ordering.
Eg. 1 x soma, 2 surya & 2 roza.